Message from the director's desk

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"It gives me a great sense of pleasure, pride and satisfaction to head the Bihar Institute of Correctional Administration, Hajipur, Vaishali, Bihar. Established in 2017, the institute has grown to the level of an institution with national repute in imparting training to prisons and correctional service officers during the last two years.The institute prides itself for its first class infrastructure. We provide quality residential accommodation for all our trainee officers. We have well set library, with a collection of miscellaneous books and e-library system. The class rooms and lecture halls are equipped with projectors. A computer lab with internet facility. Since the Institute lays great emphasis on physical wellbeing, we have a well equipped sports facility, play grounds and gymnasium.

The faculty comprises a healthy blend of senior level prison officers, academicians and researchers. The administrators combine the richness of their field experience with strong academic credentials to provide a stimulating atmosphere for learning. The introduction of institutionalized and multi-tiered training programs has cast a greater role and responsibility for the Academy and its faculty.

I welcome you to the BICA website. It is our endeavour to not only share information about the Institution and its activities but also to provide a platform for learning and sharing experiences in the rich field of prison and correctional administration. We look forward to your support and encouragement."

Neeraj Kumar Jha


BICA, Hajipur.